That was a short clip from the upcoming animated series Spenders, a collaborated animation project created by Bella Onori with the help of Connon Anninos, both majoring in animation production here at Mentry Hall in COC.
The two artists use key elements taken from their classes and teachers to incorporate them into their own projects.
But what exactly have they learned during their time here at COC?
“We have two degrees in animation,” said Jeffery Baker, an Animation Professor here at COC.
“We have a degree we call animation production, which is geared mainly towards drawing,” said Baker.
Not only are there many fun classes that teach the important fundamentals of animation but there is also an inclusive environment for many of the students and teachers here on the second floor.
As you can see, there are many postings of artwork from current and past students all over the halls, including an art gallery showcasing Disney Animation downstairs on the first floor.
“I’ve met so many fantastic people, so many fantastic professors that I’ve learned so much from,” said Onori.
“I’ve just grown so much as an artist,” said Onori.
Bella and Connor both shared with me their own interpretation of what characters might look like, using shapes as a model in their character design class,
“Instructed to make designs of one the same animal three different times in the three different languages, circle, square and triangle,” said Anninos.
“I picked raccoons, kind of to present that sort of soft and stable then energetic, or sneaky,” said Anninos.
COC has a pretty stable art department that has helped many students improve their work and move on to becoming professional artists working at big-name studios in the industry.