By Shalisa Krualphan
The Canyon Country Community Day this past Saturday not only successfully put the city together, but also brought the community together.
You may have seen them this past weekend along Whites Canyon Road… or smelled them. Canyon Country Community Day volunteers spent this past Saturday re-mulching the city one scoop at a time.
“So we are here today at the Canyon Country Community Day and it’s a big volunteer and community event. So we have members of the community stopping by to drop off “bulky” items and also take advantage of some free mulch and resources. And then we also have volunteers coming out and doing a large-scale mulching project along Whites Canyon,” said Tracy Sullivan, Santa Clarita Community Preservation Manager.
At this one-day clean-up event, volunteers of the Santa Clarita Valley came out to re-mulch the city from 9:00 am to 12:00 p.m. Their hope? To give back to the community they take so much pride in.
“I think it’s often overlooked, like I said before of like helping out right in our communities. You know, sometimes we tend to give back in monetary ways and sit back, but I think this is a great way to put feet in the ground and just really show up for our community,” said volunteer Melissa Krupa.
Not only are volunteers rebuilding the Santa Clarita Valley, but they are also contributing toward a team that makes the community a better place.
“I think it’s important because it really builds a sense of community and it creates a community where everyone is “all hands on deck” and they take pride in their community. I think that’s huge with volunteering. It’s really showing that you take pride in where you live and you’re willing to volunteer your time to make the community not only better for you but for everyone who lives in it,” said Sullivan.