Haskell Canyon Open Space is home to many trails and areas for outdoor entertainment and adventuring, and now it’s getting a brand new addition in the form of an archery range.

The grounds are hosted by the non-profit Santa Clarita Archery Organization’s instructors.

Mayor Marsha McLean spoke on behalf of the city to cut the ribbon officially opening the archery range for the public, which is free of charge for lessons and use of the range.

The range is open seven days a week for the public to come live out their archery dreams. Now you can train your sights on the bullseye at the same range that Olympic archers train at.

The 1 acre archery range is placed in the northernmost end of the canyon to avoid any interference with people on the trails, or on a hike.

With the trails and archery range separate for safety the entrance to the archery range is located north of Copper hill drive and east of Haskell Canyon Road.


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