As part of Christy Smith’s campaign for the upcoming election, a sidewalk rally was held Oct. 4 at the crossroads of Valencia Blvd. and McBean Pkwy. Attendees of different ages were holding flags at the corners and walking through the intersection with campaign banners and uplifted energy, showing their support for Smith.

Smith, a Democratic assemblywoman, is running for California’s 25th Congressional District in the upcoming House of Representatives general election on Nov. 3. Smith and her adversary, Mike Garcia, are facing each other again after they finished as the top two among the 13 candidates who ran in the 2020 U.S. House of Representatives primary.
The event took place at the busiest intersection in the city from 11 a.m. to noon. All attendees wore masks, as requested.
“Very cheery and polite,” said a passerby. “Not rude and blocking traffic like the Trump parade.”
The Democratic Alliance for Action of Santa Clarita was the main support for Smith’s rally on Oct. 4 and the event was not only attended by Smith’s supporters, but also endorsed candidates for the Santa Clarita Community College District Board of Trustees, such as Dr. Edel Alonso.
“Having local representation here that is responsive to our increasing diversity,” said a rally attendee when asked how Smith could contribute. “We’re increasingly diverse here and there’s all sorts of needs in an inaudible democracy that the Republicans don’t stand for.”
With less than a month until the elections, there is still no forecast for the next rally. However, on Smith’s official Facebook page is an event scheduled for Oct. 31, a drive-thru Trick or Treat around the SCV, Simi Valley and Antelope Valley. The event will distribute sweets to children in the community and will be from 6 pm to 7:30 pm.

The U.S. 2020 elections are scheduled for Nov. 3, in which the U.S. House of Representatives, Senate and presidency will be contested.
You can vote by mail by requesting a vote-by-mail ballot by Oct. 27, making sure to return it by mail on or before Nov. 3 or return it in-person to your county elections office or any polling place in your county before 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. There are at least 10 polling places around Santa Clarita, with the College of the Canyons and Caravalho Santa Clarita Sports Complex being the main ones, due to be open for 11 days (Oct. 24-Nov. 3).
For more information on the U.S election and how to vote in Santa Clarita, go to https://www.santa-clarita.com/city-hall/departments/administrative-services/elections.
From Canyons News: Malcolm dos Santos, Cooper Ignatian, Cheryl Akpenyi, Diego Serrano