Students at College of the Canyons have experienced a bump in the road right before spring break began. The Valencia and Canyon Country campuses have recently been enforcing parking tickets to students without parking passes in the designated lots.

The issue is, most vehicles across the lots do not have a displayed parking permit for
these lots. Parking officers are rarely seen walking around checking vehicles by scanning license plates to check if the vehicle is registered.

Eric Harnish states, “It’s currently a $35 fee if you do receive a ticket, you can always appeal it, so there, on the ticket itself there is a listed website you can go to that website and fill out an appeal.”

The risk of not having a daily or semester pass can even lead to legal problems as well.

“The other issue is with receiving multiple tickets is, if they go unpaid it does get reported to the DMV which will result in having a hold placed on your vehicle’s registration,” said Harnish.

For those who are unable to obtain a pass through the school website, local
transportation is available, along with student drop off sections, and designated bike
lanes along city streets.

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