Entertainment LADY BIRD: I will throw myself out of a moving car for this film (FILM REVIEW) “Hi Mom and Dad it’s me Christine, it’s the name you gave… Canyons News StaffMay 13, 2019No comments580 views1 minute read
Entertainment MOONLIGHT: Ain’t Trying to be Nothing Else “Relax. I got you. Ten seconds, right there. You in the middle… Canyons News StaffMay 13, 2019No comments536 views1 minute read
Entertainment UNDER THE SILVER LAKE: What the heck is this movie… (FILM REVIEW) “Our world is filled with codes, subliminal messages from Silver Lake to… Canyons News StaffMay 1, 2019No comments564 views2 minute read
Entertainment US: But the Soul, Lupita Nyong’o Remains the One (FILM REVIEW) “If you wanna get crazy, we can get crazy!” patriarch Gabe Wilson… Canyons News StaffMarch 24, 2019No comments626 views1 minute read
Entertainment IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK: Trust Love and This Movie All the Way (FILM REVIEW) SPOILERS FOLLOW… “Remember, love is what brought you here. And if you’ve… Canyons News StaffMarch 12, 2019No comments625 views2 minute read