By Wendy Brill-Wynkoop

COCFA Political Action Committee, Chair

Santa Clarita, CA— College of the Canyons Faculty Association, AFT Local 6262, and CSEA Local 725, will collaborate to endorse candidates for the College of the Canyons Board of Trustees.  Any interested parties should contact COCFA for more information about the endorsement process.

“November 2020 is going to be a full election and three trustee area seats are on the ballot. The faculty and staff have joined forces and are organizing to elect pro-labor candidates for all three seats,” said Wendy Brill-Wynkoop, Political Action Committee Chair, COCFA, “We are starting with endorsements for the Area 2 seat in March and have plans to complete endorsements for the other two seats before the end of the semester.”

To seek the unions’ endorsement candidates must first publicly declare their intent to run for the COC Trustee Area seat to be eligible for an interview. Eligible candidates will be invited to interview with the endorsement committee. Interviewees will be asked the same set of questions for each Trustee Area, and allotted equal time to provide their answers. At the conclusion of the interviews, the members of the interview committee form a consensus on each candidates’ answers, deliberate and vote upon whether or not to recommend for endorsement any particular seat.

“Budgets are choices that reflect our priorities and our values,” said Warren Heaton, Chief Negotiator, AFT Local 6262. “Unfortunately, the current Board of Trustees has chosen to prioritize administrators over educators. While the administrators at College of the Canyons are amongst the highest paid in California, nearly 20% of our adjunct instructors receive public assistance.”

Election information can be found on the Los Angeles County Registrar’s site ( Interested parties must live within the boundaries of the trustee area. A searchable map is available on the county website.

For more information please visit email

The deadline to seek the unions’ endorsement is March 10, 2020.


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