There is a countdown during the week leading into the fall. The season’s most exciting night of the week.

Football’s Friday Night Lights. Someone who’s extremely thrilled about Friday Night Lights is Kelvin Flores, Director of instrumental music at Valencia High School.

“Friday Night Lights is so important because it brings out the best,” said Flores.

“We’re here to support the football players, the cheer team, and everyone together,” said Flores

“This is a fun time when we get to be out and expose the community to our music,” added Flores.

The hype in the stands surrounding Valencia High School Viking football games is electrifying.

“It’s Viking football; it’s just in our blood and stuff,” said Jakai King, a Viking football player at Valencia High School.

“When we see them out here and get hyped up, you’re going to get hyped up, too,” said King.

Hype: You can feel it throughout the stadium. The cheerleaders also play an important role, engaging with the crowds, the students, the football players and the band.

“A lot of what we do on Friday night lights…bring spirit and support our team,” said Addie House, a Valencia High School cheerleader.

The football field and drumline storm the field to fire up the stadium.

“Even just walking up with the band just gives me the chills,” said Jack Younkin, a Valencia High School football player.

These are the stars that make Friday Night Lights so bright.

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