The Easter Bunny, a childhood hero for a lot of us, who just so happens to be looking for his eggs. On Saturday, Gilchrist farms found them giving kids a chance to get outside and have some fun and an Easter Spring Fling. To hold events like this, they have to make sure Gilchrist Farms is held up nicely. And it truly does take a village.
During the event, families could enjoy horseback riding, petting zoos, tractor rides, and more. For lots of businesses, the pandemic caused major setbacks or for some permanent closure. But for Gilchrist, it turned out to be a blessing.
Monica Gilchrist mentions, “We were able to continue where a lot were not. And now I feel like we’re almost back to where we started pre pandemic. It feels like our original customers have returned, and now we’ve got those that are just starting to re- emerge. People with illness in the family, people that are battling things are still a little hesitant to go out. But they’re happy to come here again because we’re outdoors.”