By Lance Mathis

This is Mason Cobb, a USC linebacker who grew up in Oklahoma and played for Oklahoma State for the past three years, until he eventually transferred to now what is his first year at USC after becoming a breakout star. Ever since Mason was young, he knew he wanted to devote his life to football.

 “Growing up, no my family played sports was kind of in my life. That was kind of what I loved. Growing up, it kept me busy. I met some my best friends playing sports. So you know really, for me football was kind of a way for me to you know, live and grow, have fun at the same time and make some good friends. So that’s how I kind of fell in love with the game,” said USC linebacker Mason Cobb.

Some other big values of Mason’s are giving back and supporting our youth. He and a local SCV business painting with the twist out a fundraiser for the youth football program. Santa Clarita Wildcats, without events like this. Santa Clarita youth sports association couldn’t make it alone being a nonprofit. Mason describes why this event means so much to him.

 “I mean, youth football was big for me. I’ve met a lot of influential people. Some of my best friends and in that time, so I’ve been able to share that with the kids and, and you know, tell them that, you know, this is where it all started and to keep going. I think it’s you know, important,” said Cobb.

Making it big in football is a dream many have. It takes a lot of work. And Mason isn’t shy to share that.

“It’s stressful. You got to do you can’t just get you know, the school is important to them. And at USC, they take it they take you serious, you know, I go to every class turn in every assignment. You know, it’s a lot of work. You got to be invested. But as long as you make that choice, it’s easy,” said Cobb.

With the person who has so many other people’s hero, you might be wondering, who is Mason Cobbs hero, and the answer just might surprise you.

“I have to say myself you know I got a lot of you know, influential people in my life my mom you know, my parents my brothers. But you know, my biggest hero really myself like my younger self, you know, looking up and realizing he’s living his dreams,” said Cobb.

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